The listed sessions are survivor-focused for

domestic abuse or narcissistic abuse survivors.

For professional training and enquiries, go to

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness & Recovery Pathways

Heal to thrive...1-Day workshop in Toronto, Canada.

Masterclass Sessions for Narcissistic Abuse Survivors

So you've left the narcissist or contemplating leaving but nothing in the world prepares you enough for the potential challenges that come with staying or leaving the abuser. Perhaps you have family and friends who believe they know better. They blame you for not speaking out enough or not speaking up at all.

''Why leave now'', ''You could have been more patient'', ''No one is perfect'', ''No marriage is easy'' ''Just stay for the sake of the kids''. Or you have a mother who says - ''Your father was tougher but I still stayed with him''; or the religious groups who blame you for ''not praying hard enough''.

Maybe you battle with so many questions and scenarios within yourself. You're concerned about what life would look like for you and your child(ren), what the future holds, concerned about being a 'single parent', or you're the first to be divorced in your family, fearful about what people would say, nervous about the stigma or shame of a failed relationship or you just feel stuck going round in cycles and not even sure of what to think or do, or who to speak to or ask...

Does any or all of these resonate with you?

Whichever stage you're at, whether you've left or contemplating leaving the narcissist, these transformative Masterclass sessions are designed to help you unpack, unburden and identify ways to resolve some of the many challenges and barriers narcissistic abuse survivors face.

The sessions are interractive with confidential conversations, group activities and attendees will have related practical tools and information that will help you make informed decisions.

Masterclass Topics

  •     Personal Wellbeing
  •     Post-Separation Abuse
  •     Parenting with a Narcissist (Can you really 'CO-PARENT WITH' a narcissist??)
  •     Breaking Free From A Narcissist
  •     Healthy Relationship Boundaries
  •     Therapeutic Family Court Support

Session Delivery

The sessions are hosted by me, Feyisitan. Occassionally, there would be other specialist co-facilitators. 

Delivery: Live-Online via Zoom.

Join in the comfort of your home. Log-in details will be sent to all registered attendees prior to scheduled session dates.

Group Size: Maximum of 25 people per session

Duration: 2 - 3 Hours

When?:  Weekday evenings or Saturdays 

Weekday workshop sessions can be arranged for groups of survivors in individual organisations, private or community groups.

What's included?

Workbooks, planners, infographics, helpful resources, relevant information on other sources of support.

Personal Investment:

£49 per person, per session

Sign up to receive invitation to scheduled workshops and events.

Workshop Enquiry Form

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Helpful Tips

Healing from narcissistic trauma is a journey and it takes different processes and time for everyone.

While you may need the support of others to heal, YOU are the expert in your experience.

Your voice matters.

Your feelings are valid.

It is NOT your fault you were abused.

Give yourself the absolute permission to heal and thrive.


Need immediate support? 

The link opens to my booking and training platform.